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[ Paquet source : uglifyjs  ]

Paquet : node-uglify (2.8.29-8)

JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit

UglifyJS is a JavaScript compressor/minifier written in JavaScript. It also contains tools that allow one to automate working with JavaScript code:

 * A parser which produces an abstract syntax tree (AST) from
   JavaScript code.
 * A code generator which outputs JavaScript code from an AST, also
   providing the option to get a source map.
 * A compressor (optimizer) - it uses the transformer API to optimize
   an AST into a smaller one.
 * A mangler - reduce names of local variables to (usually)
 * A scope analyzer, which is a tool that augments the AST with
   information about where variables are defined/referenced etc.
 * A tree walker - a simple API allowing you to do something on every
   node in the AST.
 * A tree transformer - another API intended to transform the tree.

All the above utilities and APIs are defined in ~6500 lines of code (except for the effective generation of the source-map, which is handled by the source-map module). Compared to alternatives, UglifyJS is pretty small.

NB! This package is deprecated! Please consider using node-uglify-js or uglifyjs instead.

Autres paquets associés à node-uglify

  • dépendances
  • recommandations
  • suggestions
  • dep: node-yargs
    command line parser for nodejs
  • dep: nodejs
    evented I/O for V8 javascript - runtime executable
  • rec: node-source-map
    Mozilla source map generator and consumer - Node.js module
  • sug: node-acorn
    ECMAScript parser for Node.js
  • sug: node-uglify-to-browserify
    Paquet indisponible

Télécharger node-uglify

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