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Certains résultats n'ont pas été affichés en raison des paramètres de recherche.

Vous avez recherché des paquets dont les noms contiennent erlang dans version(s) nabia, toutes les sections, et toutes les architectures. 93 paquets correspondants trouvés.

Votre mot-clé est trop général, pour des raisons d'optimisation certains résultats ont dû être supprimés.
Envisagez l'utilisation d'un mot-clé plus long ou de plusieurs mots-clés.

Résultats exacts

Paquet erlang

  • nabia (interpreters): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Autres résultats

Paquet erlang-asciideck

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library for asciidoc
    0.0+git20170714.48cbfe8b-4: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-asn1

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP modules for ASN.1 support
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-base

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-base-hipe

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP HiPE enabled virtual machine and base applications
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64

Paquet erlang-base64url

  • nabia (libs): standalone URL-safe base64-compatible codec for Erlang
    1.0.1-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-bbmustache

  • nabia (devel): Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP
    1.6.1+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-bear

  • nabia (devel): Set of statistics functions for erlang
    0.8.2+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-bitcask

  • nabia (devel): Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data
    2.0.8+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-bitcask-dev

  • nabia (devel): Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data (development files)
    2.0.8+dfsg-2: all

Paquet erlang-cf

  • nabia (devel): Erlang/OTP library for termial colour printing
    0.3.1-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-cl

  • nabia (libs): Erlang OpenCL bindings
    1.2.4-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-common-test

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP application for automated testing
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-cowboy

  • nabia (devel): Cowboy is a small, fast and modular HTTP server written in Erlang
    2.0.0~pre.1+dfsg1-4: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-cowboy-doc

  • nabia (doc): Documentation files for erlang-cowboy
    2.0.0~pre.1+dfsg1-4: all

Paquet erlang-cowboy-examples

  • nabia (devel): Examples for erlang-cowboy
    2.0.0~pre.1+dfsg1-4: all

Paquet erlang-cowlib

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library for manipulating web protocols
    1.3.0-3: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-crypto

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP cryptographic modules
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-cuttlefish

  • nabia (devel): Erlang/OTP library for sysctl-like syntax
    2.0.11+dfsg-4: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-debugger

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP application for debugging and testing
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-dev

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP development libraries and headers
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-dialyzer

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP discrepancy analyzer application
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-diameter

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP implementation of RFC 6733 protocol
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-doc

  • nabia (doc): Erlang/OTP HTML/PDF documentation
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-edoc

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP module for generating documentation
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-eldap

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP LDAP library
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-erl-docgen

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP documentation stylesheets
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-erlware-commons

  • nabia (devel): Erlware common libraries
    1.3.1+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-esdl

  • nabia (libs): Erlang bindings to the Simple Direct Media Library
    1.3.1-4: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-esdl-dev

  • nabia (devel): Erlang bindings to the SDL (development files)
    1.3.1-4: all

Paquet erlang-esdl-doc

  • nabia (doc): Erlang bindings to the SDL (documentation)
    1.3.1-4: all

Paquet erlang-et

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP event tracer application
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-eunit

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP module for unit testing
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-examples

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP application examples
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-folsom

  • nabia (devel): Erlang based metrics system inspired by Coda Hale's metrics
    0.8.2+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-folsom-dev

  • nabia (devel): Erlang based metrics system inspired by Coda Hale's metrics
    0.8.2+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-ftp

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP FTP client
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-getopt

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library for command-line processing
    1.0.1-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-goldrush

  • nabia (libs): small Erlang app that provides fast event stream processing
    0.2.0-3: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-guestfs

  • nabia (interpreters): guest disk image management system - Erlang bindings
    1:1.40.2-7ubuntu5: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-horse

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library for integrated performance testing
    0+git20161117.0.4dc81d4-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-idna

  • nabia (libs): pure Erlang IDNA implementation that follows RFC 5891
    6.0.0-3: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-inets

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP Internet clients and servers
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-jiffy

  • nabia (devel): JSON NIFs (Native Implemented Functions) for Erlang
    1.0.3+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-jinterface

  • nabia (interpreters): Java communication tool to Erlang
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-jose

  • nabia (libs): JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang
    1.10.1-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-lager

  • nabia (libs): logging framework for Erlang
    3.8.0-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-luerl

  • nabia (libs): implementation of Lua in Erlang
    1:0.4-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-manpages

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP manual pages
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-meck

  • nabia (devel): mocking library for Erlang
    0.8.7-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-megaco

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP implementation of Megaco/H.248 protocol
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-metrics

  • nabia (devel): generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang
    2.5.0-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-mimerl

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library to handle mimetypes
    1.2.0-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-mnesia

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP distributed relational/object hybrid database
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-mochiweb

  • nabia (devel): Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers
    2.20.1-1: all

Paquet erlang-mode

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang major editing mode for Emacs
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-neotoma

  • nabia (devel): parser generator for Erlang
    1.7.4+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-nox

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP applications that don't require X Window System
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: all

Paquet erlang-observer

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP application for investigating distributed systems
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-odbc

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP interface to SQL databases
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-os-mon

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP operating system monitor
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-acme

  • nabia (libs): ACME client library for Erlang
    1.0.3-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-cache-tab

  • nabia (libs): in-memory cache application for Erlang / Elixir apps
    1.0.21-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-eimp

  • nabia (libs): Erlang application for manipulating graphic images
    1.0.13-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-iconv

  • nabia (libs): fast encoding conversion library for Erlang / Elixir
    1.0.10-3: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-mqtree

  • nabia (libs): index tree for MQTT topic filters
    1.0.6-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-mysql

  • nabia (libs): pure Erlang MySQL driver
    1.0.12-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-oauth2

  • nabia (libs): Erlang library for server side implementation of OAuth2
    0.6.5-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-pam

  • nabia (libs): pam authentication and accounting management for Erlang
    1.0.6-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-pgsql

  • nabia (libs): Pure Erlang PostgreSQL driver
    1.1.8-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-pkix

  • nabia (libs): PKIX certificates management library for Erlang
    1.0.4-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-sip

  • nabia (libs): SIP library for Erlang
    1.0.31-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-sqlite3

  • nabia (libs): SQLite3 wrapper for Erlang applications
    1.1.6-5: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-stringprep

  • nabia (libs): erlang interface to stringprep
    1.0.18-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-stun

  • nabia (libs): STUN library for Erlang
    1.0.30-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-tls

  • nabia (libs): native TLS / SSL driver for Erlang / Elixir
    1.1.3-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-utils

  • nabia (libs): set of small Erlang libraries
    1.0.17-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-xml

  • nabia (libs): XML utilities for Erlang
    1.1.38-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-xmpp

  • nabia (libs): Erlang/Elixir XMPP parsing and serialization library
    1.4.4-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-yaml

  • nabia (libs): erlang wrapper for libyaml C library
    1.0.22-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-yconf

  • nabia (libs): YAML configuration processor
    1.0.2-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-p1-zlib

  • nabia (libs): erlang interface to zlib
    1.0.6-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-parsetools

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP parsing tools
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-proper

  • nabia (devel): QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
    1.2+git988ea0ed9f+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-proper-dev

  • nabia (devel): QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang - development files
    1.2+git988ea0ed9f+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-proper-doc

  • nabia (doc): QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang - document files
    1.2+git988ea0ed9f+dfsg-2: all

Paquet erlang-public-key

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP public key infrastructure
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-ranch

  • nabia (devel): socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols in Erlang
    1.3.0-2: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-ranch-doc

  • nabia (doc): Documentation of erlang-ranch
    1.3.0-2: all

Paquet erlang-redis-client

  • nabia (libs): Redis client for Erlang applications
    1.2.0-3: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-reltool

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP release management tool
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-runtime-tools

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP runtime tracing/debugging tools
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf

Paquet erlang-snmp

  • nabia (interpreters): Erlang/OTP SNMP applications
    1:22.2.7+dfsg-1: amd64 armhf