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您在所有发行版中 arm64 硬件架构下所有版面里,指定关键字 exa 在软件包名称中搜索的结果。 找到 48 个匹配的软件包。
Your keyword was too generic, for optimizing reasons some results might have been suppressed.
Please consider using a longer keyword or more keywords.
软件包 exa
- aramo (utils):
Modern replacement for ls
0.10.1-2: arm64
软件包 bindechexascii
- aramo (math):
simple ASCII,binary,decimal and hex converter
0.0+20140524.git7dcd86-4: arm64
软件包 biosyntax-example
- aramo (science):
Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology (example)
1.0.0b-2: all - nabia (science):
Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology (example)
1.0.0b-1: all
软件包 bolt-lmm-example
- aramo (science):
Examples for bolt-lmm
2.3.6+dfsg-1: all - nabia (science):
Examples for bolt-lmm
2.3.4+dfsg-2build1: all
软件包 canadian-ham-exam
- aramo (hamradio):
practice test for the Canadian Amateur Radio exam
1.0.0-3: all
软件包 chromhmm-example
- aramo (doc):
Chromatin state discovery and characterization (example)
1.23+dfsg-1: all - nabia (doc):
Chromatin state discovery and characterization (example)
1.20+dfsg-1: all
软件包 cl-alexandria
- aramo (lisp):
collection of portable Common Lisp utilities
20211025.gita67c3a6-1: all - nabia (lisp):
collection of portable Common Lisp utilities
20181203.gitd44f543-1: all - etiona (lisp):
Collection of portable Common Lisp utilities
20170630-1: all
软件包 dssi-example-plugins
- aramo (libdevel):
Examples of DSSI plugin
1.1.1~dfsg0-5: arm64
软件包 exabgp
- aramo (net):
BGP swiss army knife of networking
4.2.17-1: all - nabia (net):
BGP swiss army knife of networking
4.2.4-1: all - etiona (net):
BGP swiss army knife of networking
4.0.2-2: all
软件包 exactimage
- aramo (graphics):
fast image manipulation programs
1.0.2-8build3: arm64
软件包 exadrums
- aramo (sound):
Software drum module (graphical user interface)
0.6.0-1: arm64
软件包 examl
- aramo (science):
Exascale Maximum Likelihood (ExaML) code for phylogenetic inference
3.0.22-3: arm64
软件包 example-content
- aramo (x11):
Ubuntu example content
51: all - nabia (x11):
Ubuntu example content
51: all - etiona (x11):
Ubuntu example content
50: all
软件包 fccexam
- aramo (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
1.0.7-1.1: all - nabia (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
1.0.7-1: all - etiona (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
1.0.7-1: all
软件包 gtkmorph-example
- aramo (graphics):
digital image warp and morph, examples
1:20140707+nmu2.1: all - nabia (graphics):
digital image warp and morph, examples
1:20140707+nmu2build2: all - etiona (graphics):
digital image warp and morph, examples
1:20140707+nmu2build1: all
软件包 hamexam
- aramo (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams.
1.7.0-3: all - nabia (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams.
1.7.0-3: all - etiona (hamradio):
Study tool for USA FCC amateur radio (ham) exams.
1.5.0-1: all
软件包 hexalate
- aramo (games):
Color matching puzzle
1.2.0-1: arm64
软件包 kaptive-example
- aramo (science):
example data for kaptive for Klebsiella genome assemblies
2.0.0-1: all - nabia (science):
example data for kaptive for Klebsiella genome assemblies
0.7.0-2: all
软件包 libdevel-lexalias-perl
- aramo (perl):
Perl module that provides alias lexical variables
0.05-2build4: arm64
软件包 libexactimage-perl
- aramo (perl):
fast image manipulation library (Perl bindings)
1.0.2-8build3: arm64
软件包 libexadrums-dev
- aramo (libdevel):
Software drum module (development)
0.6.0-1build1: arm64
软件包 libexadrums1
- aramo (libs):
Software drum module (library)
0.6.0-1build1: arm64
软件包 libghc-exact-pi-dev
- aramo (haskell):
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi) arm64
软件包 libghc-exact-pi-doc
- aramo (doc):
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi); documentation all - nabia (doc):
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi); documentation all - etiona (doc):
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi); documentation all
软件包 libghc-exact-pi-prof
- aramo (haskell):
Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi); profiling libraries arm64
软件包 libghc-ghc-exactprint-dev
- aramo (haskell):
ExactPrint for GHC
0.6.2-2build3: arm64
软件包 libghc-ghc-exactprint-doc
- aramo (doc):
ExactPrint for GHC; documentation
0.6.2-2build3: all
软件包 libghc-ghc-exactprint-prof
- aramo (haskell):
ExactPrint for GHC; profiling libraries
0.6.2-2build3: arm64
软件包 libofapi-example
- aramo (libdevel):
OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library - example files
0git20070620-9: all - nabia (libdevel):
OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library - example files
0git20070620-8: all - etiona (libdevel):
OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library [example files]
0git20070620-7: all
软件包 libopencsg-example
- aramo (libs):
image-based CSG library using OpenGL (example program)
1.4.2-3build1: arm64
软件包 librust-fishers-exact-dev
- aramo (rust):
Fisher's exact statistical test - Rust source code
1.0.1-1: arm64
软件包 plast-example
- aramo (science):
Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
2.3.2+dfsg-8: all - nabia (science):
Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
2.3.2+dfsg-1build1: all - etiona (science):
Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
2.3.1+dfsg-4: all
软件包 python-exabgp
- etiona (python):
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 2 module
4.0.2-2: all
软件包 python-exam
- etiona (python):
Python module to help write better tests
0.10.5-2: all
软件包 python-imexam-doc
- aramo (doc):
Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Doc)
0.9.1-2: all - nabia (doc):
Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Doc)
0.8.1-2build1: all - etiona (doc):
Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Doc)
0.8.0-1: all
软件包 python3-exabgp
- aramo (python):
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 3 module
4.2.17-1: all - nabia (python):
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 3 module
4.2.4-1: all - etiona (python):
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 3 module
4.0.2-2: all
软件包 python3-exactimage
- aramo (python):
fast image manipulation library (Python3 bindings)
1.0.2-8build3: arm64
软件包 python3-exam
- aramo (python):
Python module to help write better tests
0.10.5-3: all - nabia (python):
Python module to help write better tests
0.10.5-3: all - etiona (python):
Python module to help write better tests
0.10.5-2: all
软件包 python3-imexam
- aramo (python):
Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting
0.9.1-2: arm64
软件包 qtltools-example
- aramo (doc):
Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
1.3.1+dfsg-2build2: all - nabia (doc):
Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
1.2+dfsg-2build1: all - etiona (doc):
Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
1.1+dfsg-2build1: all
软件包 qtwebkit5-examples-doc
- etiona (doc):
Qt 5 webkit examples documentation
5.9.1+dfsg-2: all
软件包 qtwebkit5-examples-doc-html
- etiona (doc):
Qt 5 webkit examples HTML documentation
5.9.1+dfsg-2: all
软件包 r-cran-exactranktests
- aramo (gnu-r):
GNU R exact distributions for rank and permutation tests
0.8-34-1: arm64
软件包 rapmap-example-data
- aramo (science):
example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
0.15.0+dfsg-2: all - nabia (science):
example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
0.15.0+dfsg-1: all - etiona (science):
example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
0.5.0+dfsg-3: all
软件包 resfinder-example
- aramo (science):
identify acquired antimicrobial resistance genes (example data)
4.1.6-1: all - nabia (science):
identify acquired antimicrobial resistance genes (example data)
3.2-1: all
软件包 shapeit4-example
- aramo (doc):
fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing) - example
4.2.2+dfsg-1: all - nabia (doc):
fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing) - example
4.1+dfsg-1build1: all
软件包 tirex-example-map
- aramo (web):
Tirex example map data and configuration
0.7.0-1: all