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Szukano pakietów których nazwy zawierają pypy w wszystkich gałęziach, wszystkich sekcjach i architekturze: arm64. Liczba pasujących pakietów: 66.

Dokładne dopasowania

Pakiet pypy

  • aramo (python): fast alternative implementation of Python - PyPy interpreter
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64

Inne wyniki

Pakiet pypy-appdirs

  • aramo (python): determining appropriate platform-specific directories (PyPy)
    1.4.4-2: all
  • nabia (python): determining appropriate platform-specific directories (PyPy)
    1.4.3-2.1: all
  • etiona (python): determining appropriate platform-specific directories (PyPy)
    1.4.3-1: all

Pakiet pypy-asn1crypto

  • aramo (python): Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (PyPy)
    1.4.0-1: all
  • nabia (python): Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (PyPy)
    0.24.0-1build1: all
  • etiona (python): Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (PyPy)
    0.24.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-atomicwrites

  • nabia (python): Atomic file writes - PyPy
    1.1.5-2build1: all

Pakiet pypy-attr

  • nabia (python): Attributes without boilerplate (PyPy)
    19.3.0-2: all
  • etiona (python): Attributes without boilerplate (PyPy)
    17.4.0-2: all

Pakiet pypy-backports.functools-lru-cache

  • nabia (python): backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 to PyPy
    1.5-3build1: all

Pakiet pypy-bdist-nsi

  • etiona (python): Create NSIS windows installers for Python modules (PyPy)
    0.1.5-1: all

Pakiet pypy-bs4

  • etiona (python): error-tolerant HTML parser for PyPy
    4.6.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-configparser

  • nabia (python): backport of the enhanced config parser introduced in Python 3.2 - Python 2.7
    3.5.0b2-3build1: all

Pakiet pypy-contextlib2

  • nabia (python): Backport and enhancements for the contextlib module - PyPy
    0.6.0-2: all

Pakiet pypy-coverage

  • nabia (python): code coverage tool for Python 2 PyPy
    4.5.2+dfsg.1-4ubuntu1: all
  • etiona (python): code coverage tool for Python 2 PyPy
    4.5+dfsg.1-3: all

Pakiet pypy-dev

  • aramo (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-2: all
  • etiona (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    5.10.0+dfsg-3build2: all

Pakiet pypy-doc

  • aramo (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-2: all
  • etiona (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    5.10.0+dfsg-3build2: all

Pakiet pypy-enum34

  • aramo (python): backport of Python 3.4's enum package (PyPy package)
    1.1.6-4: all
  • nabia (python): backport of Python 3.4's enum package (PyPy package)
    1.1.6-2ubuntu1: all
  • etiona (python): backport of Python 3.4's enum package (PyPy package)
    1.1.6-2: all

Pakiet pypy-fastimport

  • nabia (python): Fastimport file format parser and generator library
    0.9.8-5build1: all
  • etiona (python): Fastimport file format parser and generator library
    0.9.6-3: all

Pakiet pypy-flaky

  • etiona (python): Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests (PyPy)
    3.3.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-funcsigs

  • nabia (python): function signatures from PEP362 - PyPy
    1.0.2-4build1: all
  • etiona (python): function signatures from PEP362 - PyPy
    1.0.2-4: all

Pakiet pypy-genty

  • etiona (python): Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets (PyPy)
    1.3.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-hypothesis

  • nabia (python): advanced Quickcheck style testing library for PyPy
    4.36.2-1: all
  • etiona (python): advanced Quickcheck style testing library for PyPy
    3.44.1-2ubuntu1: all

Pakiet pypy-idna

  • etiona (python): Python IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) handling (PyPy)
    2.6-1: all

Pakiet pypy-importlib-metadata

  • nabia (python): library to access the metadata for a Python package - PyPy
    1.5.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-ipaddress

  • aramo (python): Backport of Python 3 ipaddress module (PyPy)
    1.0.23-1: all
  • nabia (python): Backport of Python 3 ipaddress module (PyPy)
    1.0.17-1build1: all
  • etiona (python): Backport of Python 3 ipaddress module (PyPy)
    1.0.17-1: all

Pakiet pypy-iso8601

  • etiona (python): Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - PyPy
    0.1.11-1: all

Pakiet pypy-json-tricks

  • etiona (python): Python module with extra features for JSON files
    3.11.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-lib

  • aramo (python): standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64

Pakiet pypy-lib-testsuite

  • aramo (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-2: all
  • etiona (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    5.10.0+dfsg-3build2: all

Pakiet pypy-libusb1

  • etiona (python): Python wrapper for libusb1 (PyPy)
    1.6.3-1: all

Pakiet pypy-mmllib

  • etiona (python): library for handling Music Macro Language (PyPy)
    0.3.0.post1-1: all

Pakiet pypy-more-itertools

  • nabia (python): library with routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (PyPy)
    4.2.0-1build1: all

Pakiet pypy-mutagen

  • etiona (python): audio metadata editing library (PyPy)
    1.38-1: all

Pakiet pypy-packaging

  • aramo (python): core utilities for pypy packages
    21.3-1: all
  • nabia (python): core utilities for pypy packages
    20.3-1: all
  • etiona (python): core utilities for pypy packages
    17.1-1: all

Pakiet pypy-pathlib2

  • nabia (python): Backport of the "pathlib" stdlib module (PyPy)
    2.3.5-1ubuntu1: all

Pakiet pypy-pkg-resources

  • aramo (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.1.1-1.2: all
  • aramo-updates (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.1.1-1.2ubuntu0.22.04.1: all
  • aramo-security (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.1.1-1.2ubuntu0.22.04.1: all
  • nabia (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.0.0-2: all
  • nabia-updates (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    44.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    39.0.1-2: all
  • etiona-updates (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    39.0.1-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona-security (python): Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
    39.0.1-2ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy-pluggy

  • nabia (python): plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - PyPy
    0.13.0-2: all
  • etiona (python): plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - PyPy
    0.6.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-pretend

  • aramo (python): Python library for stubbing (PyPy)
    1.0.9-1: all
  • nabia (python): Python library for stubbing (PyPy)
    1.0.8-2build1: all
  • etiona (python): Python library for stubbing (PyPy)
    1.0.8-2: all

Pakiet pypy-purl

  • etiona (python): URL interrogation and manipulation (PyPy version)
    1.3.1-1: all

Pakiet pypy-py

  • nabia (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.8.1-1: all
  • nabia-updates (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.8.1-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.8.1-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.5.2-1: all
  • etiona-updates (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.5.2-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona-security (python): Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
    1.5.2-1ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy-pyaes

  • etiona (python): Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (PyPy)
    1.6.1-1: all

Pakiet pypy-pyasn1

  • aramo (python): ASN.1 library for Python (PyPy module)
    0.4.8-1: all
  • nabia (python): ASN.1 library for Python (PyPy module)
    0.4.2-3build1: all
  • etiona (python): ASN.1 library for Python (PyPy module)
    0.4.2-3: all

Pakiet pypy-pymediainfo

  • etiona (python): Library to fetch multimedia metadata information - PyPy version
    2.2.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-pyparsing

  • aramo (python): Transitional package for pypy PyParsing v2.x
    2.4.7-3: all
  • nabia (python): alternative to creating and executing simple grammars - pypy
    2.4.6-1: all
  • etiona (python): alternative to creating and executing simple grammars - pypy
    2.2.0+dfsg1-2: all

Pakiet pypy-pyparsing2

  • aramo (python): alt to creating/executing simple grammars pyparsing2 - pypy
    2.4.7-3: all

Pakiet pypy-pytest

  • nabia (python): Simple, powerful testing in PyPy
    4.6.9-1: all
  • etiona (python): Simple, powerful testing in PyPy
    3.3.2-2: all

Pakiet pypy-rawkit

  • aramo (python): CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
    0.6.0-2: all
  • nabia (python): CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
    0.6.0-2: all
  • etiona (python): CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
    0.6.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy-rply

  • etiona (python): pure Python based parser that also works with RPython (PyPy)
    0.7.4-3: all

Pakiet pypy-scandir

  • aramo (python): Backport of the "scandir" stdlib module (PyPy)
    1.10.0-4: arm64

Pakiet pypy-schema

  • etiona (python): simple data validation library (PyPy)
    0.6.7-1: all

Pakiet pypy-setuptools

  • aramo (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.1.1-1.2: all
  • aramo-updates (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.1.1-1.2ubuntu0.22.04.1: all
  • aramo-security (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.1.1-1.2ubuntu0.22.04.1: all
  • nabia (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.0.0-2: all
  • nabia-updates (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    44.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    39.0.1-2: all
  • etiona-updates (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    39.0.1-2ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona-security (python): PyPy Distutils Enhancements
    39.0.1-2ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy-setuptools-scm

  • nabia (python): blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for PyPy
    3.4.3-1ubuntu1: all
  • etiona (python): blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for PyPy
    1.15.6-1: all

Pakiet pypy-simplejson

  • etiona (python): simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python - PyPy
    3.13.2-1: all

Pakiet pypy-six

  • aramo (python): Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (PyPy interface)
    1.16.0-3ubuntu1: all
  • nabia (python): Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (PyPy interface)
    1.14.0-2: all
  • etiona (python): Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (PyPy interface)
    1.11.0-2: all

Pakiet pypy-sqlparse

  • nabia (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-3: all
  • nabia-updates (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-3ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-3ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-0.1: all
  • etiona-updates (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-0.1ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona-security (python): non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
    0.2.4-0.1ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy-stem

  • aramo (python): Tor control library for PyPy
    1.8.0-3: all
  • nabia (python): Tor control library for PyPy
    1.7.1-1.2: all

Pakiet pypy-tk

  • aramo (python): Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64

Pakiet pypy-unidecode

  • etiona (python): ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (PyPy module)
    1.0.22-1: all

Pakiet pypy-wand

  • aramo (python): Python interface for ImageMagick library (PyPy)
    0.6.7-1: all
  • nabia (python): Python interface for ImageMagick library (PyPy build)
    0.5.9-1: all
  • etiona (python): Python interface for ImageMagick library (PyPy build)
    0.4.4-1.1: all

Pakiet pypy-wcwidth

  • nabia (python): determine printable width of a string on a terminal (PyPy)
    0.1.8+dfsg1-3: all

Pakiet pypy-zipp

  • nabia (python): pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper - PyPy
    1.0.0-1: all

Pakiet pypy3

  • aramo (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy interpreter
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64
  • aramo-updates (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy interpreter
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64
  • aramo-security (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy interpreter
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64

Pakiet pypy3-dev

  • aramo (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • aramo-updates (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • aramo-security (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4: all
  • nabia-updates (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy3-doc

  • aramo (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • aramo-updates (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • aramo-security (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4: all
  • nabia-updates (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (doc): developer Documentation for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy3-lib

  • aramo (python): standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64
  • aramo-updates (python): standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64
  • aramo-security (python): standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64

Pakiet pypy3-lib-testsuite

  • aramo (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • aramo-updates (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • aramo-security (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4: all
  • nabia-updates (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all
  • nabia-security (python): standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
    7.3.1+dfsg-4ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet pypy3-tk

  • aramo (python): Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: arm64
  • aramo-updates (python): Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64
  • aramo-security (python): Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: arm64

Pakiet pypy3-venv

  • aramo (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy venv module
    7.3.9+dfsg-1: all
  • aramo-updates (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy venv module
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • aramo-security (python): fast alternative implementation of Python 3.x - PyPy venv module
    7.3.9+dfsg-1ubuntu0.1: all

Pakiet python3-doxypypy

  • aramo (python): More Pythonic version of doxypy, a Doxygen filter for Python all
  • nabia (python): More Pythonic version of doxypy, a Doxygen filter for Python all