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>> Trisquel >> Balíky >> Výsledky hľadania balíkov

Niektoré výsledky neboli zobrazené kvôli parametrom vyhľadávania.

Hľadali ste balíky ktorých názvy obsahujú rustc v všetky sady, všetky sekcie a architektúry arm64. Našlo sa 27 zodpovedajúcich balíkov.

Presné výsledky

Balík rustc

  • aramo (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.58.1+dfsg1~ubuntu1-0ubuntu2: arm64
  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.75.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-backports (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.66.1+dfsg0ubuntu1-0ubuntu0.22.04.1+11.0trisquel1: arm64

Ostatné výsledky

Balík librust-addr2line+rustc-demangle-dev

  • aramo (rust): Cross-platform symbolication library - feature "rustc-demangle"
    0.10.0-3: arm64

Balík librust-adler+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Simple clean-room implementation of the Adler-32 checksum - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    1.0.2-2: arm64

Balík librust-backtrace+rustc-serialize-dev

  • aramo (rust): Acquire a backtrace at runtime - feature "rustc-serialize" and 1 more
    0.3.44-6: arm64

Balík librust-backtrace-sys+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Bindings to the libbacktrace gcc library - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    0.1.37-1: arm64

Balík librust-c2-chacha+rustcrypto-api-dev

  • aramo (rust): ChaCha family of stream ciphers - feature "rustcrypto_api"
    0.2.2-1: arm64

Balík librust-compiler-builtins+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Compiler intrinsics used by the Rust compiler - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    0.1.52-1: arm64

Balík librust-getrandom+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Retrieve random data from system source - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    0.2.4-2: arm64

Balík librust-libc+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust bindings to libc - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    0.2.103-1: arm64

Balík librust-libc+rustc-std-workspace-core-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust bindings to libc - feature "rustc-std-workspace-core"
    0.2.103-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-cfg-dev

  • aramo (rust): Runs `rustc --print cfg` and parses the output - Rust source code
    0.4.0-2: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-demangle+compiler-builtins-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust compiler symbol demangling - feature "compiler_builtins"
    0.1.16-4: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-demangle+core-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust compiler symbol demangling - feature "core"
    0.1.16-4: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-demangle+rustc-dep-of-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust compiler symbol demangling - feature "rustc-dep-of-std"
    0.1.16-4: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-demangle-dev

  • aramo (rust): Rust compiler symbol demangling - Rust source code
    0.1.16-4: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-hash-dev

  • aramo (rust): Speed, non-cryptographic hash used in rustc - Rust source code
    1.1.0-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-serialize-dev

  • aramo (rust): Generic serialization/deserialization support corresponding to the `derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)` mode in the compiler - Rust source code
    0.3.24-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-std-workspace-core-dev

  • aramo (rust): Explicitly empty crate for rust-lang/rust integration - Rust source code
    1.0.0-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-std-workspace-std-dev

  • aramo (rust): Workaround for rustbuild - Rust source code
    1.0.1-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-version-dev

  • aramo (rust): Querying the version of a installed rustc compiler - Rust source code
    0.4.0-1: arm64

Balík librust-rustc-workspace-hack-dev

  • aramo (rust): Hack for the compiler's own build system - Rust source code
    1.0.0-1: arm64

Balík rustc-1.62

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.62.1+dfsg1-1ubuntu0.22.04.1: arm64

Balík rustc-1.76

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.76.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.76.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-backports (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.76.0+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04+11.0trisquel0: arm64

Balík rustc-1.77

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.77.2+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.77.2+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64

Balík rustc-1.78

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.78.0+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.78.0+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64

Balík rustc-1.79

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.79.0+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.79.0+dfsg1ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64

Balík rustc-1.80

  • aramo-updates (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.80.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64
  • aramo-security (devel): Rust systems programming language
    1.80.1+dfsg0ubuntu1~bpo0-0ubuntu0.22.04: arm64