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Du har sökt efter paket vars namn innehåller vim i svit(en) nabia, alla sektioner och arkitektur(er) arm64. Hittade 58 paket.

Exakta träffar

Paketet vim

Andra träffar

Paketet biosyntax-vim

  • nabia (science): Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology (vim)
    1.0.0b-1: all

Paketet cpl-plugin-vimos-calib

  • nabia (science): ESO data reduction pipeline calibration data downloader for VIMOS
    3.3.0+dfsg-1build1: all

Paketet cpl-plugin-vimos-doc

  • nabia (doc): ESO data reduction pipeline documentation for VIMOS
    3.3.0+dfsg-1build1: all

Paketet dh-vim-addon

  • nabia (devel): debhelper addon to help package Vim/Neovim addons
    0.2: all

Paketet elpa-vimish-fold

  • nabia (lisp): fold text in GNU Emacs like in Vim
    0.2.3-4: all

Paketet golang-github-vimeo-go-magic-dev

  • nabia (devel): Go bindings for libmagic
    1.0.0-1: all

Paketet libghc-yi-keymap-vim-doc

  • nabia (doc): Vim keymap for Yi editor; documentation
    0.18.0-2: all

Paketet movim

  • nabia (php): decentralised social network fully based on XMPP
    0.14.1-6: all

Paketet neovim-runtime

  • nabia (editors): heavily refactored vim fork (runtime files)
    0.4.3-3: all

Paketet notmuch-vim

  • nabia (mail): thread-based email index, search and tagging (vim interface)
    0.29.3-1ubuntu2: all

Paketet python3-neovim

  • nabia (python): transitional dummy package
    0.4.1-1: all

Paketet python3-pynvim

  • nabia (python): Python3 library for scripting Neovim processes through its msgpack-rpc API
    0.4.1-1: all

Paketet ruby-neovim

  • nabia (ruby): Ruby client for Neovim
    0.8.1-1: all

Paketet supercollider-vim

  • nabia (sound): SuperCollider mode for Vim
    1:3.10.0+repack-1ubuntu2: all

Paketet vim-addon-manager

  • nabia (editors): manager of addons for the Vim editor
    0.5.10: all

Paketet vim-addon-mw-utils

  • nabia (editors): Vim funcref library
    0.2-4: all

Paketet vim-airline

  • nabia (editors): Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
    0.11-1: all

Paketet vim-airline-themes

  • nabia (editors): official theme collection for vim-airline
    0+git.20180730-6e798f9-1: all

Paketet vim-asciidoc

  • nabia (text): Vim syntax highlighting files for asciidoc
    9.0.0~rc1-1: all

Paketet vim-autopep8

  • nabia (editors): vim plugin to apply autopep8
    1.2.0-2: all

Paketet vim-bitbake

  • nabia (editors): Vim plugin to interact with Yocto bitbake-based recipes
    0~git20190420-1: all

Paketet vim-common

  • nabia (editors): Vi IMproved - Common files
    2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5: all

Paketet vim-ctrlp

  • nabia (editors): fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc. finder for Vim
    1.80-1: all

Paketet vim-doc

  • nabia (editors): Vi IMproved - HTML documentation
    2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5: all

Paketet vim-editorconfig

  • nabia (editors): EditorConfig Plugin for Vim
    0.3.3+dfsg-2: all

Paketet vim-fugitive

  • nabia (editors): Vim plugin to work with Git
    3.2-1: all

Paketet vim-gocomplete

  • nabia (editors): gocode integration for Vim
    20170907-3: all

Paketet vim-gtk

  • nabia (editors): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (dummy package)
    2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5: all

Paketet vim-gui-common

  • nabia (editors): Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
    2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5: all

Paketet vim-haproxy

  • nabia (net): syntax highlighting for HAProxy configuration files
    2.0.13-2: all

Paketet vim-icinga2

  • nabia (admin): syntax highlighting for Icinga 2 config files in VIM
    2.11.2-1ubuntu3: all

Paketet vim-julia

  • nabia (editors): Vim support for Julia language
    0.0~git20200213.8c0b9e8-1: all

Paketet vim-khuno

  • nabia (editors): Python flakes Vim plugin
    1.0.3-1: all

Paketet vim-lastplace

  • nabia (editors): Vim script to reopen files at your last edit position
    3.1.1-2: all

Paketet vim-latexsuite

  • nabia (editors): view, edit and compile LaTeX documents from within Vim
    1:1.9.0-1: all

Paketet vim-ledger

  • nabia (editors): Vim plugin for Ledger
    1.2.0-1: all

Paketet vim-migemo

  • nabia (utils): VIM plugin for C/Migemo
    1:1.2+gh0.20150404-7: all

Paketet vim-pathogen

  • nabia (editors): Manage your runtimepath with ease
    2.4-1: all

Paketet vim-puppet

  • nabia (editors): syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in vim
    4~20181115+git4793b074-1: all

Paketet vim-python-jedi

  • nabia (python): autocompletion tool for Python - VIM addon files
    0.15.2-1: all

Paketet vim-rails

  • nabia (editors): vim development tools for Rails development
    4.5~20110829-1: all

Paketet vim-runtime

  • nabia (editors): Vi IMproved - Runtime files
    2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5: all

Paketet vim-scripts

  • nabia (editors): plugins for vim, adding bells and whistles
    20180807ubuntu1: all

Paketet vim-snipmate

  • nabia (editors): Vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features.
    0.87-3: all

Paketet vim-snippets

  • nabia (editors): Snippets files for various programming languages.
    1.0.0-4: all

Paketet vim-syntastic

  • nabia (editors): Syntax checking hacks for vim
    3.10.0-2: all

Paketet vim-syntax-docker

  • nabia (admin): Docker container engine - Vim highlighting syntax files
    19.03.8-0ubuntu1: all

Paketet vim-syntax-gtk

  • nabia (editors): Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim
    20110314-1: all

Paketet vim-tabular

  • nabia (editors): Vim script for text filtering and alignment
    1.0-3: all

Paketet vim-textobj-user

  • nabia (editors): Vim plugin for user-defined text objects
    0.7.6-1: all

Paketet vim-tjp

  • nabia (utils): vim addon for TaskJuggler .tjp files
    3.6.0-6: all

Paketet vim-tlib

  • nabia (editors): Some vim utility functions
    1.27-2: all

Paketet vim-ultisnips

  • nabia (editors): snippet solution for Vim
    3.1-3build1: all

Paketet vim-vimerl

  • nabia (editors): Erlang plugin for Vim
    1.4.1+git20120509.89111c7-2: all

Paketet vim-vimerl-syntax

  • nabia (editors): Erlang syntax for Vim
    1.4.1+git20120509.89111c7-2: all

Paketet vim-voom

  • nabia (editors): Vim two-pane outliner
    5.3-3: all

Paketet vim-youcompleteme

  • nabia (editors): fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim
    0+20191218+git9e2ab00+ds-1: all