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Certains résultats n'ont pas été affichés en raison des paramètres de recherche.

Vous avez recherché des paquets dont les noms contiennent ruby dans version(s) aramo, toutes les sections, et architecture(s) armhf. 96 paquets correspondants trouvés.

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Envisagez l'utilisation d'un mot-clé plus long ou de plusieurs mots-clés.

Résultats exacts

Paquet ruby

  • aramo (interpreters): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version)
    1:3.0~exp1: armhf

Autres résultats

Paquet ruby-abstract-type

  • aramo (ruby): Allow non obstrusive declaring of abstract_type classes and modules
    0.0.7-3: all

Paquet ruby-ace-rails-ap

  • aramo (ruby): Cloud9 Editor (Ace) for the Rails asset pipeline
    4.1.1-1: all

Paquet ruby-acme-client

  • aramo (ruby): Client for the ACME protocol
    2.0.9-1: all

Paquet ruby-actioncable

  • aramo (ruby): WebSocket framework for Rails (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-actionmailbox

  • aramo (ruby): receive and process incoming emails (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-actionmailer

  • aramo (ruby): email composition, delivery framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-actionpack

  • aramo (ruby): web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-actionpack-action-caching

  • aramo (ruby): action caching for Action Pack
    1.2.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-actionpack-page-caching

  • aramo (ruby): static page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
    1.2.4-1: all

Paquet ruby-actionpack-xml-parser

  • aramo (ruby): XML parameters parser for Action Pack
    2.0.1-4: all

Paquet ruby-actiontext

  • aramo (ruby): edit and display rich text (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-actionview

  • aramo (ruby): framework for handling view template lookup and rendering (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-active-model-serializers

  • aramo (ruby): Making it easy to serialize models for client-side use
    0.10.12-1: all

Paquet ruby-activejob

  • aramo (ruby): job framework with pluggable queues (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-activeldap

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveLdap is a object-oriented API to LDAP
    6.0.3-2: all

Paquet ruby-activemodel

  • aramo (ruby): toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-activemodel-serializers-xml

  • aramo (ruby): xml serialization for active model
    1.0.2-3: all

Paquet ruby-activerecord

  • aramo (ruby): object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-activerecord-explain-analyze

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE
    0.1.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-activerecord-import

  • aramo (ruby): Bulk-loading extension for ActiveRecord
    1.2.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-activerecord-nulldb-adapter

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveRecord database adapters based on the Null Object pattern
    0.8.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-activerecord-precounter

  • aramo (ruby): Yet Another N+1 COUNT Query Killer for ActiveRecord
    0.4.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-activestorage

  • aramo (ruby): local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Paquet ruby-activesupport

  • aramo (ruby): collection of utility classes used by the Rails framework
    2: all

Paquet ruby-acts-as-api

  • aramo (ruby): makes creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3 easy and fun
    1.0.1-2.1: all

Paquet ruby-acts-as-list

  • aramo (ruby): sorting, reordering capabilities to active_record models
    1.0.4-1: all

Paquet ruby-acts-as-taggable-on

  • aramo (ruby): provides advanced tagging for Rails
    8.1.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-acts-as-tree

  • aramo (ruby): simple tree behaviour to active_record models
    2.9.1-1: all

Paquet ruby-adamantium

  • aramo (ruby): Create immutable objects with ease
    0.2.0-3: all

Paquet ruby-addressable

  • aramo (ruby): alternative URI implementation for Ruby
    2.8.0-3: all

Paquet ruby-adsf

  • aramo (ruby): tiny static file server
    1.4.5+dfsg1-2: all

Paquet ruby-adsf-live

  • aramo (ruby): live reload support for ruby-adsf tiny static file server
    1.4.5+dfsg1-2: all

Paquet ruby-ae

  • aramo (ruby): assertive expressive (ae) is an assertions library
    1.8.2-2: all

Paquet ruby-aes-key-wrap

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap
    1.0.1-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-afm

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library to read Adobe Font Metrics files
    0.2.2-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-after-commit-queue

  • aramo (ruby): run callbacks after database transaction
    1.3.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-aggregate

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics
    0.2.3-1: all

Paquet ruby-ahoy-email

  • aramo (ruby): Simple, powerful email tracking for Rails
    1.1.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-ahoy-matey

  • aramo (ruby): simple, powerful analytics for Rails
    3.0.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-airbrussh

  • aramo (ruby): Concise log formatter for Capistrano and SSHKit
    1.4.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-akismet

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby client for the Akismet API
    3.0.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-algebrick

  • aramo (ruby): Algebraic types and pattern matching for Ruby
    0.7.4-1: all

Paquet ruby-all-dev

  • aramo (devel): Ruby development environment (all versions supported in Debian)
    1:3.0~exp1: armhf

Paquet ruby-amazon-ec2

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library for accessing Amazon EC2
    0.9.17-3.1: all

Paquet ruby-ami

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby client library for the Asterisk Management Interface
    2.4.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-ammeter

  • aramo (ruby): Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet ruby-amq-protocol

  • aramo (ruby): AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
    2.3.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-amqp

  • aramo (ruby): feature-rich, asynchronous AMQP client
    1.8.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-android-key-attestation

  • aramo (ruby): Android key attestation verification
    0.3.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-anima

  • aramo (ruby): Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
    0.3.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-ansi

  • aramo (ruby): ANSI escape codes at your fingertips
    1.5.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-api-pagination

  • aramo (ruby): API pagination support
    4.8.2-2: all

Paquet ruby-apollo-upload-server

  • aramo (ruby): apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware
    2.1.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-appraisal

  • aramo (ruby): Find out what your Ruby gems are worth
    0.5.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-appraiser

  • aramo (ruby): simple rubygems subcommand for Gemfile
    0.2.0-4: all

Paquet ruby-appraiser-reek

  • aramo (ruby): Run Reek inside RubyAppraiser
    1.0.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-appraiser-rubocop

  • aramo (ruby): Run Rubocop inside RubyAppraiser
    1.0.1-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-arbre

  • aramo (ruby): Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby
    1.4.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-archive-tar-minitar

Paquet ruby-archive-zip

  • aramo (ruby): Simple, extensible, pure Ruby ZIP archive support
    0.11.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-arel

  • aramo (ruby): SQL AST manager for Ruby
    9.0.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-aruba

  • aramo (ruby): Cucumber extension for CLI applications
    1.0.4-1: all

Paquet ruby-asana

  • aramo (ruby): official Ruby client for the Asana API
    0.10.3-2: all

Paquet ruby-ascii85

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library to encode/decode the Ascii85 format
    1.0.3-1: all

Paquet ruby-asciidoctor

  • aramo (ruby): AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (core libraries)
    2.0.16-2: all

Paquet ruby-asciidoctor-include-ext

  • aramo (ruby): Asciidoctor's standard include::[] processor reimplemented as an extension
    0.3.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-asciidoctor-kroki

  • aramo (ruby): Asciidoctor extension to convert diagrams to images using Kroki
    0.5.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-asciidoctor-pdf

  • aramo (ruby): Converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using Prawn
    1.6.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml

  • aramo (ruby): extension for Asciidoctor to enable support for PlantUML diagrams
    0.0.12-1: all

Paquet ruby-asetus

  • aramo (ruby): configuration library with YAML/JSON/TOML backends
    0.3.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-asset-sync

  • aramo (ruby): synchronises assets in a Rails app and Amazon/Rackspace cloud
    2.11.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-ast

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library for working with abstract syntax trees
    2.4.1-1: all

Paquet ruby-async

  • aramo (ruby): concurrency framework for Ruby.
    1.30.1-1: all

Paquet ruby-async-http

  • aramo (ruby): HTTP client and server library
    0.52.5-1: all

Paquet ruby-async-io

  • aramo (ruby): Provides support for asynchronous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets
    1.32.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-async-pool

  • aramo (ruby): singleplex and multiplex resource pool for implementing robust clients
    0.3.8-1: all

Paquet ruby-async-process

  • aramo (ruby): asynchronous process spawning
    1.3.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-async-rspec

  • aramo (ruby): helpers for writing specs against the async gem
    1.16.1-3: all

Paquet ruby-atk

  • aramo (ruby): ATK bindings for the Ruby language
    3.4.3-1+ubuntu5: all

Paquet ruby-atlassian-jwt

  • aramo (ruby): Encode and decode JWT tokens for use with the Atlassian Connect
    0.2.1-1: all

Paquet ruby-atomic

  • aramo (ruby): atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
    1.1.16-3build2: armhf

Paquet ruby-attr-encrypted

  • aramo (ruby): Encrypt and decrypt attributes
    3.1.0-4: all

Paquet ruby-attr-required

  • aramo (ruby): attr_required and attr_optional support for Ruby
    1.0.0-2.1: all

Paquet ruby-attribute-normalizer

  • aramo (ruby): Adds the ability to normalize attributes
    1.2.0-2: all

Paquet ruby-aubio

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby bindings for the aubio audio library
    0.3.6-2: all

Paquet ruby-augeas

  • aramo (ruby): Augeas bindings for the Ruby language
    1:0.5.0-3build9: armhf

Paquet ruby-autoparse

  • aramo (ruby): provides automatic parsing for any given JSON Schema
    0.3.3-3: all

Paquet ruby-autoprefixer-rails

  • aramo (ruby): Rails integration for the autoprefixer tool all

Paquet ruby-avl-tree

  • aramo (ruby): AVL and red-black trees in Ruby
    1.2.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-awesome-nested-set

  • aramo (ruby): awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
    3.0.0-1.1: all

Paquet ruby-awesome-print

  • aramo (ruby): pretty print Ruby objects with proper indentation and colors
    1.9.2-1: all

Paquet ruby-awrence

  • aramo (ruby): Camelize your snake keys when working with JSON APIs
    1.1.1-2: all

Paquet ruby-aws

  • aramo (ruby): AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services
    2.10.2-5: all

Paquet ruby-aws-eventstream

  • aramo (ruby): AWS Event Stream Library
    1.1.0-1: all

Paquet ruby-aws-partitions

  • aramo (ruby): provider of information about AWS partitions, regions, and services
    1.354.0-2: all