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Exakta träffar

Paketet ecl

  • etiona (devel): Embeddable Common-Lisp: has an interpreter and can compile to C
    16.1.2-3: i386

Andra träffar

Paketet eclib-tools

  • etiona (math): Programs for modular symbols and elliptic curves over Q
    20171002-1build1: i386

Paketet eclipse

  • etiona (devel): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE
    3.8.1-11: all

Paketet eclipse-anyedit

  • etiona (devel): Adds additional tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors
    2.4.4-1: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt

  • etiona (java): C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse
    8.6.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-autotools

  • etiona (devel): Autotools support for Eclipse CDT
    8.6.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-jni

  • etiona (java): C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse (JNI)
    8.6.0-2: i386

Paketet eclipse-cdt-launch-remote

  • etiona (devel): Remote launch and debug support for Eclipse CDT
    8.6.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-perf

  • etiona (devel): 'perf' analysis tool integration for Eclipse CDT
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-pkg-config

  • etiona (devel): pkg-config support for Eclipse C/C++ development tools
    1.0.0~git20130115-2: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-profiling-framework

  • etiona (devel): framework for profiling tools for Eclipse CDT
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-profiling-framework-remote

  • etiona (devel): Remote profiling support for Eclipse
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-qt

  • etiona (devel): Qt framework support for Eclipse CDT
    8.6.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-cdt-valgrind

  • etiona (devel): Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-changelog

  • etiona (devel): Automatic ChangeLog entry creation support for Eclipse
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-debian-helper

  • aramo (java): Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
    1.8: all
  • nabia (java): Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
    1.7: all
  • etiona-updates (java): Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
    1.5~18.04: all
  • etiona-security (java): Helper tools for building Eclipse related packages
    1.5~18.04: all

Paketet eclipse-eclox

  • etiona (devel): simple doxygen frontend plug-in for Eclipse
    0.10.1-2: all

Paketet eclipse-egit

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system
    3.7.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-egit-mylyn

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn integration for EGit
    3.7.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-emf

  • etiona (java): Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
    2.8.3-2: all

Paketet eclipse-emf-examples

  • etiona (java): Eclipse EMF examples
    2.8.3-2: all

Paketet eclipse-emf-sdk

  • etiona (java): Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - (Source/Documentation)
    2.8.3-2: all

Paketet eclipse-gef

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework
    3.9.100-1: all

Paketet eclipse-gef-doc

  • etiona (doc): Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework (documentation)
    3.9.100-1: all

Paketet eclipse-jdt

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)
    3.8.1-11: all

Paketet eclipse-mercurialeclipse

  • etiona (devel): Mercurial DVCS integration for Eclipse
    1.9.4-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn

  • etiona (devel): Task-Focused Interface for Eclipse
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-builds-hudson

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn Hudson/Jenkins Connector
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-context-cdt

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn context integration for Eclipse CDT
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-context-jdt

  • etiona (devel): Task support for Eclipse JDT
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-context-pde

  • etiona (devel): Task support for Eclipse PDE
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-context-pydev

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn context integration for PyDev
    3.9.2-5: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-tasks-bugzilla

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn Bugzilla Connector
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-tasks-github

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn GitHub Connector
    3.3.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-tasks-trac

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn Trac Connector
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-versions-cvs

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn version control integration for CVS
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-mylyn-wikitext

  • etiona (devel): Mylyn WikiText
    3.12.0-2: all

Paketet eclipse-pde

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
    3.8.1-11: i386

Paketet eclipse-platform

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse platform without development plug-ins
    3.8.1-11: i386

Paketet eclipse-platform-data

  • etiona (java): Eclipse platform without development plug-ins (data)
    3.8.1-11: all

Paketet eclipse-ptp-rdt

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Remote Development Tools
    8.1.1-1: all

Paketet eclipse-pydev

  • etiona (devel): Python IDE for Eclipse
    3.9.2-5: i386

Paketet eclipse-pydev-data

  • etiona (devel): Python IDE for Eclipse (data)
    3.9.2-5: all

Paketet eclipse-rcp

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)
    3.8.1-11: i386

Paketet eclipse-remote-services-api

  • etiona (java): Eclipse Remote Services API
    8.0.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-rpm-editor

  • etiona (devel): Editor for RPM .spec files integrated into Eclipse
    3.1.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-rse

  • etiona (java): Eclipse Remote System Explorer (RSE)
    3.4.2-2: all

Paketet eclipse-rse-sdk

  • etiona (java): Eclipse Remote System Explorer (source and documentation)
    3.4.2-2: all

Paketet eclipse-subclipse

  • etiona (devel): Subversion client plugin for Eclipse
    1.10.3-1: all

Paketet eclipse-subclipse-graph

  • etiona (devel): Subversion Revision Graph Eclipse plugin
    1.10.3-1: all

Paketet eclipse-subclipse-mylyn

  • etiona (devel): Subclipse Mylyn integration
    1.10.3-1: all

Paketet eclipse-titan

  • etiona (java): TITAN TTCN-3 toolset from the Eclipse project
    6.3.1-1build1: i386
  • etiona-updates (java): TITAN TTCN-3 toolset from the Eclipse project
    6.3.1-1build1.3: i386
  • etiona-security (java): TITAN TTCN-3 toolset from the Eclipse project
    6.3.1-1build1.3: i386

Paketet eclipse-tracecompass

  • aramo (java): Tool for viewing and analyzing logs and traces
    7.0.0+repack-1: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Web Tools Platform
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp-servertools

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse WTP server tools
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp-webtools

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse HTML, CSS and Javascript tools
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp-ws

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse web services tools
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp-xmltools

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse XML tools and editors
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-wtp-xsl

  • etiona (devel): Eclipse Extensible Stylesheet Language tools
    3.6.3-3: all

Paketet eclipse-xsd

  • etiona (java): XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse
    2.9.0-1: all

Paketet eclipse-xsd-sdk

  • etiona (java): XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse - (Source/Documentation)
    2.9.0-1: all