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Du har sökt efter paket vars namn innehåller python3-cairo i alla sviter, alla sektioner och arkitektur(er) i386. Hittade 6 paket.

Exakta träffar

Paketet python3-cairo

  • aramo (python): Python3 bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
    1.20.1-3build1: i386
  • etiona (python): Python3 bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
    1.16.2-1: i386

Andra träffar

Paketet python3-cairo-dbg

  • etiona (debug): Python3 bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library (debug extension)
    1.16.2-1: i386

Paketet python3-cairo-dev

  • aramo (python): Python3 cairo bindings: development files
    1.20.1-3build1: all
  • nabia (python): Python3 cairo bindings: development files
    1.16.2-2ubuntu2: all
  • etiona (python): Python3 cairo bindings: development files
    1.16.2-1: all

Paketet python3-cairo-doc

  • aramo (doc): Python 3 cairo bindings: documentation files
    1.20.1-3build1: all
  • nabia (doc): Python 3 cairo bindings: documentation files
    1.16.2-2ubuntu2: all
  • etiona (doc): Python 3 cairo bindings: documentation files
    1.16.2-1: all

Paketet python3-cairocffi

  • aramo (python): cffi-based cairo bindings for Python (Python3)
    1.2.0-2: all
  • nabia (python): cffi-based cairo bindings for Python (Python3)
    0.9.0-4: all
  • etiona (python): cffi-based cairo bindings for Python (Python3)
    0.8.0-0ubuntu2: all

Paketet python3-cairosvg

  • aramo (python): SVG to PDF/PS/PNG converter based on Cairo (Python3 library)
    2.5.2-1: all
  • nabia (python): SVG to PDF/PS/PNG converter based on Cairo (Python3 library)
    2.4.2-1: all
  • etiona (python): SVG to PDF/PS/PNG converter based on Cairo (Python3 library)
    1.0.20-1: all