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Hľadali ste balíky ktorých názvy obsahujú grep v všetky sady, všetky sekcie a architektúry ppc64el. Našlo sa 40 zodpovedajúcich balíkov.

Presné výsledky

Balík grep

  • aramo (utils): GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
    3.7-1build1: ppc64el

Ostatné výsledky

Balík ack-grep

  • aramo: Virtuálny balík
    poskytovaný balíkom: ack
  • nabia: Virtuálny balík
    poskytovaný balíkom: ack
  • etiona (perl): Transitional dummy package to pull in "ack"
    2.22-1: all
    je tiež poskytovaný balíkom: ack

Balík elpa-wgrep

  • aramo (editors): edit multiple Emacs buffers using a master grep pattern buffer
    2.3.2+9.gf0ef9bf-2: all

Balík elpa-wgrep-ack

  • aramo (editors): edit multiple Emacs buffers using a master ack pattern buffer
    2.3.2+9.gf0ef9bf-2: all

Balík elpa-wgrep-ag

  • aramo (editors): edit multiple Emacs buffers using a master ag pattern buffer
    2.3.2+9.gf0ef9bf-2: all

Balík elpa-wgrep-helm

  • aramo (editors): edit multiple Emacs buffers with a helm-grep-mode buffer
    2.3.2+9.gf0ef9bf-2: all

Balík ext3grep

  • aramo (admin): tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 filesystems
    0.10.2-5: ppc64el

Balík grepcidr

  • aramo (net): Filter IP addresses matching IPv4/IPv6 CIDR/network specification
    2.0-2: ppc64el

Balík grepmail

  • aramo (mail): search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
    5.3104-4: all
  • nabia (mail): search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
    5.3104-1: all
  • etiona (mail): search mailboxes for mail matching an expression
    5.3033-8: all

Balík jgrep

  • aramo (devel): Filter JSON documents with a simple logical language
    1.5.4-2: all

Balík libagrep-ocaml

  • aramo (libs): Wu-Manber algorithm for string searching with errors
    1.0-13build3: ppc64el

Balík libagrep-ocaml-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): Wu-Manber algorithm for string searching with errors
    1.0-13build3: ppc64el

Balík libfile-grep-perl

  • aramo (perl): module for pattern matching in a series of files
    0.02-1.1: all
  • nabia (perl): module for pattern matching in a series of files
    0.02-1: all
  • etiona (perl): module for pattern matching in a series of files
    0.02-1: all

Balík libmygui.ogreplatform0debian1v5

  • aramo (libs): Fast, simple and flexible GUI - Ogre interface
    3.4.1+dfsg-1: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep+simd-accel-dev

  • aramo (rust): Fast line oriented regex searching as a library - feature "simd-accel"
    0.2.8-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-cli-dev

  • aramo (rust): Utilities for search oriented command line applications - Rust source code
    0.1.6-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-dev

  • aramo (rust): Fast line oriented regex searching as a library - Rust source code
    0.2.8-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-matcher-dev

  • aramo (rust): Trait for regular expressions, with a focus on line oriented search - Rust source code
    0.1.5-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-pcre2-dev

  • aramo (rust): Use PCRE2 with the 'grep' crate - Rust source code
    0.1.5-1: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-printer-dev

  • aramo (rust): The grep crate's Sink trait that provides standard printing of search results, similar to grep itself - Rust source code
    0.1.6-1: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-regex-dev

  • aramo (rust): Use Rust's regex library with the 'grep' crate - Rust source code
    0.1.9-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-searcher+default-dev

  • aramo (rust): Fast line oriented regex searching as a library - feature "default"
    0.1.8-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-searcher+simd-accel-dev

  • aramo (rust): Fast line oriented regex searching as a library - feature "simd-accel"
    0.1.8-2: ppc64el

Balík librust-grep-searcher-dev

  • aramo (rust): Fast line oriented regex searching as a library - Rust source code
    0.1.8-2: ppc64el

Balík mboxgrep

  • aramo (mail): Grep through mailboxes
    0.7.9-5: ppc64el

Balík ngrep

  • aramo (net): grep for network traffic
    1.47+ds1-5: ppc64el

Balík pcregrep

  • aramo (utils): grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes.
    2:8.39-13ubuntu0.22.04.1+11.0trisquel0: ppc64el
  • aramo-updates (utils): grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes.
    2:8.39-13ubuntu0.22.04.1+11.0trisquel0: ppc64el
  • aramo-security (utils): grep utility that uses perl 5 compatible regexes.
    2:8.39-13ubuntu0.22.04.1+11.0trisquel0: ppc64el

Balík pdfgrep

  • aramo (utils): search in pdf files for strings matching a regular expression
    2.1.2-1build1: ppc64el

Balík pgreplay

  • aramo (admin): replay PostgreSQL log files
    1.2.0-2ubuntu2: ppc64el

Balík r-bioc-degreport

  • aramo (gnu-r): BioConductor report of DEG analysis
    1.30.0+dfsg-1: all

Balík r-cran-ggrepel

  • aramo (gnu-r): auto-position non-overlapping text labels in plots
    0.9.1-1: ppc64el

Balík ripgrep

  • aramo (utils): Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
    13.0.0-2: ppc64el
  • aramo-updates (utils): Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
    13.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: ppc64el
  • aramo-security (utils): Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
    13.0.0-2ubuntu0.1: ppc64el

Balík sgrep

  • aramo (text): tool to search a file for structured pattern
    1.94a-5: ppc64el

Balík sipgrep

  • aramo (net): command line tool to sniff, capture, display SIP messages
    2.1.0-2build1: ppc64el

Balík sngrep

  • aramo (comm): Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer
    1.4.10-1: ppc64el
  • aramo-updates (comm): Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer
    1.4.10-1ubuntu0.1: ppc64el

Balík taggrepper

  • aramo (sound): search and match tags of audio files against regular expressions
    0.05-5: ppc64el

Balík tre-agrep

  • aramo (text): approximate grep utility based on the tre library
    0.8.0-6: ppc64el
  • aramo-updates (text): approximate grep utility based on the tre library
    0.8.0-6+11.0trisquel0: ppc64el

Balík ugrep

  • aramo (utils): faster grep with an interactive query UI
    3.7.2+dfsg-1: ppc64el

Balík vizigrep

  • nabia (utils): graphical file contents search tool using regular expressions
    1.4-1build1: all
  • etiona (utils): graphical file contents search tool using regular expressions
    1.3-1: all

Balík xgrep

  • aramo (utils): grep-like utility for XML files
    0.08-0ubuntu2: ppc64el