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Szukano pakietów których nazwy zawierają pem w gałęzi: aramo, wszystkich sekcjach i architekturze: ppc64el. Liczba pasujących pakietów: 15.

Dokładne dopasowania

Pakiet pem

  • aramo (misc): command line personal expense manager
    0.7.9-4: all

Inne wyniki

Pakiet libconvert-pem-perl

  • aramo (perl): Perl module for reading/writing encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
    0.08-2.1: all

Pakiet libextutils-typemap-perl

  • aramo (perl): ExtUtils::Typemap - Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files
    1.00-1.1: all

Pakiet libextutils-typemaps-default-perl

  • aramo (perl): Perl module providing a set of useful typemaps
    1.05-2.1: all

Pakiet libghc-pem-dev

  • aramo (haskell): Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
    0.2.4-3build2: ppc64el

Pakiet libghc-pem-doc

  • aramo (doc): Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer; documentation
    0.2.4-3build2: all

Pakiet libghc-pem-prof

  • aramo (haskell): Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer; profiling libraries
    0.2.4-3build2: ppc64el

Pakiet libmrpt-typemeta-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit - typemeta development package
    1:2.4.2+ds-2: all

Pakiet libnsspem

Pakiet librust-pem-dev

  • aramo (rust): Parse and encode PEM-encoded data - Rust source code
    0.7.0-3: ppc64el

Pakiet node-ripemd160

  • aramo (web): Pure javascript implementation of ripemd160 hash function
    2.0.2-6: all

Pakiet nss-plugin-pem

  • aramo (libs): PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
    1.0.8-1: ppc64el

Pakiet pipemeter

  • aramo (admin): cli utility that shows the speed of data moving from input to output
    1.1.5-1.1: ppc64el

Pakiet pompem

  • aramo (utils): Exploit and Vulnerability Finder
    0.2.0-6: all

Pakiet python3-pem

  • aramo (python): easy PEM file parsing in Python
    19.1.0-1: all