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Du har sökt efter paket vars namn innehåller rig i svit(en) nabia, alla sektioner och arkitektur(er) ppc64el. Hittade 24 paket.

Paketet brightness-udev

  • nabia (misc): Control backlight brightness - udev rules
    0.5.1-2: all

Paketet chromium-ublock-origin

  • nabia (web): general-purpose lightweight ads, malware, trackers blocker (Chromium)
    1.22.2+dfsg-1: all

Paketet comixcursors-righthanded

  • nabia (x11): X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, translucent)
    0.9.1-1: all

Paketet comixcursors-righthanded-opaque

  • nabia (x11): X11 mouse pointer themes with a comic art feeling (RH, opaque)
    0.9.1-1: all

Paketet copyright-update

  • nabia (devel): update copyright information in files
    2016.1018-3: all

Paketet fonts-lg-aboriginal

  • nabia (fonts): unicode fonts for North-American Aboriginal languages
    1.0-6: all

Paketet gajim-triggers

  • nabia (net): configure Gajim's behaviour for each contact
    1.1.2-1: all

Paketet goban-original-games

  • nabia (x11): Original games set for the Goban screensaver
    1.1-5build1: all

Paketet hamradio-rigcontrol

  • nabia (metapackages): Debian Hamradio Rig Control Packages
    0.5ubuntu1: all

Paketet libclass-trigger-perl

  • nabia (perl): Mix-in to add/call inheritable triggers
    0.14-2: all

Paketet libdebian-copyright-perl

  • nabia (perl): perl module to parse, merge and write Debian copyright files
    0.2-4: all

Paketet libkf5kirigami2-doc

  • nabia (doc): set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use (documentation)
    5.68.0-0ubuntu2: all

Paketet libmodule-install-copyright-perl

  • nabia (perl): package a COPYRIGHT file with a distribution
    0.009-1: all

Paketet libplack-middleware-crossorigin-perl

  • nabia (perl): Plack middleware adding headers to allow CORS
    0.013-1: all

Paketet libspreadsheet-wright-perl

  • nabia (perl): simple spreadsheet worker
    0.107-3: all

Paketet libstring-copyright-perl

  • nabia (perl): representation of text-based copyright statements
    0.003006-1: all

Paketet node-original

  • nabia (web): Generate the origin from an URL or check if two URL/Origins are the same
    1.0.0-1: all

Paketet origami-pdf

  • nabia (ruby): PDF analysis and manipulation tool
    2.0.0-1ubuntu1: all

Paketet ruby-origami

  • nabia (ruby): PDF analysis and manipulation tool (Ruby library)
    2.0.0-1ubuntu1: all

Paketet ruby-origin

  • nabia (ruby): Simple DSL for MongoDB query generation
    2.2.0-1: all

Paketet trigger-rally-data

  • nabia (games): 3D rally car racing game - data files all

Paketet ublock-origin-doc

  • nabia (doc): general-purpose lightweight ads, malware, trackers blocker - documentation
    1.22.2+dfsg-1: all

Paketet webext-ublock-origin

  • nabia (web): general-purpose lightweight ads, malware, trackers blocker (Web Extension)
    1.22.2+dfsg-1: all

Paketet xul-ext-ublock-origin

  • nabia (web): general-purpose lightweight ads, malware, trackers blocker
    1.22.2+dfsg-1: all