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Du har sökt efter paket vars namn innehåller zsh i svit(en) aramo, alla sektioner och arkitektur(er) ppc64el. Hittade 10 paket.

Exakta träffar

Paketet zsh

  • aramo (shells): shell with lots of features
    5.8.1-1: ppc64el

Andra träffar

Paketet fizsh

  • aramo (shells): Friendly Interactive ZSHell
    1.0.9-1: all

Paketet zsh-antigen

  • aramo (shells): manage your zsh plugins
    2.2.3-5: all

Paketet zsh-autosuggestions

  • aramo (shells): Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh
    0.7.0-1: all

Paketet zsh-common

  • aramo (shells): architecture independent files for Zsh
    5.8.1-1: all

Paketet zsh-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): shell with lots of features (development files)
    5.8.1-1: ppc64el

Paketet zsh-doc

  • aramo (doc): zsh documentation - info/HTML format
    5.8.1-1: all

Paketet zsh-static

  • aramo (shells): shell with lots of features (static link)
    5.8.1-1: ppc64el

Paketet zsh-syntax-highlighting

  • aramo (shells): Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
    0.7.1-2: all

Paketet zsh-theme-powerlevel9k

  • aramo (utils): powerlevel9k is a theme for zsh which uses powerline fonts
    0.6.7-2: all