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Szukano pakietów których nazwy zawierają ruby w gałęzi: aramo, wszystkich sekcjach i wszystkich architekturach. Liczba pasujących pakietów: 96.

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Proszę spróbować użyć dłuższego słowa kluczowego lub większej ich liczby.

Dokładne dopasowania

Pakiet ruby

  • aramo (interpreters): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version)
    1:3.0~exp1: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el

Inne wyniki

Pakiet ruby-abstract-type

  • aramo (ruby): Allow non obstrusive declaring of abstract_type classes and modules
    0.0.7-3: all

Pakiet ruby-ace-rails-ap

  • aramo (ruby): Cloud9 Editor (Ace) for the Rails asset pipeline
    4.1.1-1: all

Pakiet ruby-acme-client

  • aramo (ruby): Client for the ACME protocol
    2.0.9-1: all

Pakiet ruby-actioncable

  • aramo (ruby): WebSocket framework for Rails (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-actionmailbox

  • aramo (ruby): receive and process incoming emails (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-actionmailer

  • aramo (ruby): email composition, delivery framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-actionpack

  • aramo (ruby): web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-actionpack-action-caching

  • aramo (ruby): action caching for Action Pack
    1.2.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-actionpack-page-caching

  • aramo (ruby): static page caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
    1.2.4-1: all

Pakiet ruby-actionpack-xml-parser

  • aramo (ruby): XML parameters parser for Action Pack
    2.0.1-4: all

Pakiet ruby-actiontext

  • aramo (ruby): edit and display rich text (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-actionview

  • aramo (ruby): framework for handling view template lookup and rendering (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-active-model-serializers

  • aramo (ruby): Making it easy to serialize models for client-side use
    0.10.12-1: all

Pakiet ruby-activejob

  • aramo (ruby): job framework with pluggable queues (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-activeldap

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveLdap is a object-oriented API to LDAP
    6.0.3-2: all

Pakiet ruby-activemodel

  • aramo (ruby): toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-activemodel-serializers-xml

  • aramo (ruby): xml serialization for active model
    1.0.2-3: all

Pakiet ruby-activerecord

  • aramo (ruby): object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-activerecord-explain-analyze

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveRecord#explain with support for EXPLAIN ANALYZE
    0.1.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-activerecord-import

  • aramo (ruby): Bulk-loading extension for ActiveRecord
    1.2.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-activerecord-nulldb-adapter

  • aramo (ruby): ActiveRecord database adapters based on the Null Object pattern
    0.8.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-activerecord-precounter

  • aramo (ruby): Yet Another N+1 COUNT Query Killer for ActiveRecord
    0.4.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-activestorage

  • aramo (ruby): local and cloud file storage framework (part of Rails)
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-activesupport

  • aramo (ruby): collection of utility classes used by the Rails framework
    2: all

Pakiet ruby-acts-as-api

  • aramo (ruby): makes creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3 easy and fun
    1.0.1-2.1: all

Pakiet ruby-acts-as-list

  • aramo (ruby): sorting, reordering capabilities to active_record models
    1.0.4-1: all

Pakiet ruby-acts-as-taggable-on

  • aramo (ruby): provides advanced tagging for Rails
    8.1.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-acts-as-tree

  • aramo (ruby): simple tree behaviour to active_record models
    2.9.1-1: all

Pakiet ruby-adamantium

  • aramo (ruby): Create immutable objects with ease
    0.2.0-3: all

Pakiet ruby-addressable

  • aramo (ruby): alternative URI implementation for Ruby
    2.8.0-3: all

Pakiet ruby-adsf

  • aramo (ruby): tiny static file server
    1.4.5+dfsg1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-adsf-live

  • aramo (ruby): live reload support for ruby-adsf tiny static file server
    1.4.5+dfsg1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-ae

  • aramo (ruby): assertive expressive (ae) is an assertions library
    1.8.2-2: all

Pakiet ruby-aes-key-wrap

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby implementation of AES Key Wrap
    1.0.1-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-afm

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library to read Adobe Font Metrics files
    0.2.2-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-after-commit-queue

  • aramo (ruby): run callbacks after database transaction
    1.3.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-aggregate

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics
    0.2.3-1: all

Pakiet ruby-ahoy-email

  • aramo (ruby): Simple, powerful email tracking for Rails
    1.1.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-ahoy-matey

  • aramo (ruby): simple, powerful analytics for Rails
    3.0.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-airbrussh

  • aramo (ruby): Concise log formatter for Capistrano and SSHKit
    1.4.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-akismet

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby client for the Akismet API
    3.0.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-algebrick

  • aramo (ruby): Algebraic types and pattern matching for Ruby
    0.7.4-1: all

Pakiet ruby-all-dev

  • aramo (devel): Ruby development environment (all versions supported in Debian)
    1:3.0~exp1: amd64 arm64 armhf i386 ppc64el

Pakiet ruby-amazon-ec2

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library for accessing Amazon EC2
    0.9.17-3.1: all

Pakiet ruby-ami

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby client library for the Asterisk Management Interface
    2.4.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-ammeter

  • aramo (ruby): Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators
    1.1.4-3: all

Pakiet ruby-amq-protocol

  • aramo (ruby): AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
    2.3.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-amqp

  • aramo (ruby): feature-rich, asynchronous AMQP client
    1.8.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-android-key-attestation

  • aramo (ruby): Android key attestation verification
    0.3.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-anima

  • aramo (ruby): Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
    0.3.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-ansi

  • aramo (ruby): ANSI escape codes at your fingertips
    1.5.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-api-pagination

  • aramo (ruby): API pagination support
    4.8.2-2: all

Pakiet ruby-apollo-upload-server

  • aramo (ruby): apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware
    2.1.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-appraisal

  • aramo (ruby): Find out what your Ruby gems are worth
    0.5.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-appraiser

  • aramo (ruby): simple rubygems subcommand for Gemfile
    0.2.0-4: all

Pakiet ruby-appraiser-reek

  • aramo (ruby): Run Reek inside RubyAppraiser
    1.0.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-appraiser-rubocop

  • aramo (ruby): Run Rubocop inside RubyAppraiser
    1.0.1-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-arbre

  • aramo (ruby): Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby
    1.4.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-archive-tar-minitar

Pakiet ruby-archive-zip

  • aramo (ruby): Simple, extensible, pure Ruby ZIP archive support
    0.11.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-arel

  • aramo (ruby): SQL AST manager for Ruby
    9.0.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-aruba

  • aramo (ruby): Cucumber extension for CLI applications
    1.0.4-1: all

Pakiet ruby-asana

  • aramo (ruby): official Ruby client for the Asana API
    0.10.3-2: all

Pakiet ruby-ascii85

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library to encode/decode the Ascii85 format
    1.0.3-1: all

Pakiet ruby-asciidoctor

  • aramo (ruby): AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (core libraries)
    2.0.16-2: all

Pakiet ruby-asciidoctor-include-ext

  • aramo (ruby): Asciidoctor's standard include::[] processor reimplemented as an extension
    0.3.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-asciidoctor-kroki

  • aramo (ruby): Asciidoctor extension to convert diagrams to images using Kroki
    0.5.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-asciidoctor-pdf

  • aramo (ruby): Converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using Prawn
    1.6.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-asciidoctor-plantuml

  • aramo (ruby): extension for Asciidoctor to enable support for PlantUML diagrams
    0.0.12-1: all

Pakiet ruby-asetus

  • aramo (ruby): configuration library with YAML/JSON/TOML backends
    0.3.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-asset-sync

  • aramo (ruby): synchronises assets in a Rails app and Amazon/Rackspace cloud
    2.11.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-ast

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby library for working with abstract syntax trees
    2.4.1-1: all

Pakiet ruby-async

  • aramo (ruby): concurrency framework for Ruby.
    1.30.1-1: all

Pakiet ruby-async-http

  • aramo (ruby): HTTP client and server library
    0.52.5-1: all

Pakiet ruby-async-io

  • aramo (ruby): Provides support for asynchronous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets
    1.32.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-async-pool

  • aramo (ruby): singleplex and multiplex resource pool for implementing robust clients
    0.3.8-1: all

Pakiet ruby-async-process

  • aramo (ruby): asynchronous process spawning
    1.3.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-async-rspec

  • aramo (ruby): helpers for writing specs against the async gem
    1.16.1-3: all

Pakiet ruby-atk

  • aramo (ruby): ATK bindings for the Ruby language
    3.4.3-1+ubuntu5: all

Pakiet ruby-atlassian-jwt

  • aramo (ruby): Encode and decode JWT tokens for use with the Atlassian Connect
    0.2.1-1: all

Pakiet ruby-atomic

  • aramo (ruby): atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
    1.1.16-3build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el

Pakiet ruby-attr-encrypted

  • aramo (ruby): Encrypt and decrypt attributes
    3.1.0-4: all

Pakiet ruby-attr-required

  • aramo (ruby): attr_required and attr_optional support for Ruby
    1.0.0-2.1: all

Pakiet ruby-attribute-normalizer

  • aramo (ruby): Adds the ability to normalize attributes
    1.2.0-2: all

Pakiet ruby-aubio

  • aramo (ruby): Ruby bindings for the aubio audio library
    0.3.6-2: all

Pakiet ruby-augeas

  • aramo (ruby): Augeas bindings for the Ruby language
    1:0.5.0-3build9: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el

Pakiet ruby-autoparse

  • aramo (ruby): provides automatic parsing for any given JSON Schema
    0.3.3-3: all

Pakiet ruby-autoprefixer-rails

  • aramo (ruby): Rails integration for the autoprefixer tool all

Pakiet ruby-avl-tree

  • aramo (ruby): AVL and red-black trees in Ruby
    1.2.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-awesome-nested-set

  • aramo (ruby): awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
    3.0.0-1.1: all

Pakiet ruby-awesome-print

  • aramo (ruby): pretty print Ruby objects with proper indentation and colors
    1.9.2-1: all

Pakiet ruby-awrence

  • aramo (ruby): Camelize your snake keys when working with JSON APIs
    1.1.1-2: all

Pakiet ruby-aws

  • aramo (ruby): AWS Ruby Library for interfacing with Amazon Web Services
    2.10.2-5: all

Pakiet ruby-aws-eventstream

  • aramo (ruby): AWS Event Stream Library
    1.1.0-1: all

Pakiet ruby-aws-partitions

  • aramo (ruby): provider of information about AWS partitions, regions, and services
    1.354.0-2: all