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Вы искали пакеты, в именах которых есть teg. Были просмотрены комплект(ы) aramo, все секции и все архитектуры. Количество подходящих пакетов: 58.
Точные совпадения
Пакет teg
- aramo (gnome):
Turn based strategy game
0.12.0-2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Другие совпадения
Пакет cairo-dock-gnome-integration-plug-in
- aramo (x11):
GNOME integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
3.4.1+git20201022.a0d3415c-1build1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет cairo-dock-kde-integration-plug-in
- aramo (x11):
KDE integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
3.4.1+git20201022.a0d3415c-1build1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет cairo-dock-xfce-integration-plug-in
- aramo (x11):
Xfce integration plug-in for Cairo-dock
3.4.1+git20201022.a0d3415c-1build1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет dde-qt5integration
- aramo (libs):
Qt5 theme integration for Deepin application
5.5.17-2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет elpa-writegood-mode
- aramo (lisp):
Emacs minor mode that provides hints for common English writing problems
2.0.4-1: all
Пакет frameworkintegration
- aramo (libs):
KF5 cross-framework integration plugins
5.92.0-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет gajim-appindicatorintegration
- aramo (net):
integrates Gajim with the appindicator
1.3.3-2: all
Пакет games-strategy
- aramo (metapackages):
Debian's strategy games
4: all
Пакет git-reintegrate
- aramo (vcs):
Git extension to manage integration branches
0.4-2.1: all
Пакет golang-github-disintegration-gift-dev
- aramo (devel):
Go Image Filtering Toolkit
1.2.1-2: all
Пакет golang-github-disintegration-imaging-dev
- aramo (devel):
Simple Go image processing package
1.6.2-1: all
Пакет golang-github-integrii-flaggy-dev
- aramo (devel):
Idiomatic Go input parsing with subcommands, positional values, and flags
1.4.0-1: all
Пакет integrit
- aramo (admin):
A file integrity verification program
4.1-1.1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет kaccounts-integration
- aramo (kde):
System to administer web accounts
4:21.12.3-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет kde-telepathy-integration-module
- aramo (kde):
Telepathy integration module for the KDE Workspace
4:21.12.3-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет kwayland-integration
- aramo (kde):
kwayland runtime integration plugins
4:5.24.4-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libcgi-application-plugin-linkintegrity-perl
- aramo (perl):
plugin to make tamper-resisistent links in CGI::Application
0.06-3.1: all
Пакет libdata-integer-perl
- aramo (perl):
Perl modules handling details of the native integer data type
0.006-1.1: all
Пакет libdrm-tegra0
- aramo (libs):
Userspace interface to tegra-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime
2.4.110-1ubuntu1: arm64 armhf
Пакет libeclipse-wst-common-emfworkbench-integration-java
- aramo (java):
Eclipse Web Tools Platform - EMF Workbench Edit Plug-in
1.2.101+eclipse3.18-5: all
Пакет libghc-categories-dev
- aramo (haskell):
categories from category-extras
1.0.7-9build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libghc-categories-doc
- aramo (doc):
categories from category-extras; documentation
1.0.7-9build2: all
Пакет libghc-categories-prof
- aramo (haskell):
categories from category-extras; profiling libraries
1.0.7-9build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libghc-integer-logarithms-dev
- aramo (haskell):
integer logarithms
1.0.3-3build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libghc-integer-logarithms-doc
- aramo (doc):
integer logarithms; documentation
1.0.3-3build2: all
Пакет libghc-integer-logarithms-prof
- aramo (haskell):
integer logarithms; profiling libraries
1.0.3-3build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libintegers-ocaml
- aramo (ocaml):
library of various integer types for OCaml (runtime)
0.5.1-1build1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libintegers-ocaml-dev
- aramo (ocaml):
library of various integer types for OCaml (development)
0.5.1-1build1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libqt6waylandeglclienthwintegration6
- aramo (libs):
Qt 6 Wayland WaylandEglClientHwIntegration library
6.2.4-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libqt6waylandeglcompositorhwintegration6
- aramo (libs):
Qt 6 Wayland WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration library
6.2.4-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libqt6wlshellintegration6
- aramo (libs):
Qt 6 Wayland ShellIntegration library
6.2.4-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет librust-num-integer+i128-dev
- aramo (rust):
Integer traits and functions - feature "i128"
0.1.44-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет librust-num-integer+std-dev
- aramo (rust):
Integer traits and functions - feature "std" and 1 more
0.1.44-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет librust-num-integer-dev
- aramo (rust):
Integer traits and functions - Rust source code
0.1.44-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет librust-unicode-categories-dev
- aramo (rust):
Query Unicode category membership for chars - Rust source code
0.1.1-2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет libwiki-toolkit-plugin-categoriser-perl
- aramo (perl):
Category management for Wiki::Toolkit
0.08-2: all
Пакет mir-wlcs-integration
- aramo (x11):
Display Server for Ubuntu - wlcs integration
2.7.0-0ubuntu3: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет node-big-integer
- aramo (javascript):
arbitrary length integer library for JavaScript
1.6.51~dfsg-2: all
Пакет php-cache-integration-tests
- aramo (php):
Integration tests for PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache implementations
0.17.0-1ubuntu3: all
Пакет php-http-psr7-integration-tests
- aramo (php):
Test suite for PSR7
1.1.1-2: all
Пакет php-mock-integration
- aramo (php):
integration package for PHP-Mock
2.1.0-2: all
Пакет plasma-browser-integration
- aramo (kde):
Chromium, Google Chrome, Firefox integration for Plasma
5.24.4-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет plasma-integration
- aramo (kde):
Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for KDE Plasma
5.24.4-0ubuntu1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет python3-protego
- aramo (python):
Pure-Python robots.txt parser with support for modern conventions
0.2.1+dfsg-1: all
Пакет ruby-integration
- aramo (ruby):
Numerical integration for Ruby, with a simple interface
0.1.0-1.1: all
Пакет rubygems-integration
- aramo (ruby):
integration of Debian Ruby packages with Rubygems
1.18: all
Пакет stegcracker
- aramo (misc):
steganography brute-force tool
2.1.0-2: all
Пакет steghide
- aramo (misc):
steganography hiding tool
0.5.1-15: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет steghide-doc
- aramo (doc):
steganography hiding tool - documentation files
0.5.1-15: all
Пакет stegosuite
- aramo (java):
steganography tool to hide information in image files
0.8.0-2: all
Пакет stegsnow
- aramo (misc):
steganography using ASCII files
20130616-6: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет tegaki-zinnia-japanese
- aramo (utils):
Japanese handwriting model for Zinnia
0.3-2: all
Пакет tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese
- aramo (utils):
Simplified Chinese handwriting model for Zinnia
0.3-2: all
Пакет tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese
- aramo (utils):
Traditional Chinese handwriting model for Zinnia
0.3-0ubuntu1: all
Пакет u-boot-tegra
- aramo (admin):
A boot loader for NVIDIA Tegra systems
2022.01+dfsg-2ubuntu2: arm64 armhf
Пакет uwsgi-app-integration-plugins
- aramo (web):
plugins for integration of uWSGI and application
2.0.20-4: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
Пакет vramsteg
- aramo (utils):
provide shell scripts with a full-featured progress indicator
1.1.0-1build2: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el