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Търсене за пакети, чиито имена съдържат tor в дистрибуция(и) etiona, всички раздели и всички архитектури. Намерени са 17 пакета.
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Точни попадения
Пакет tor
- etiona (net):
anonymizing overlay network for TCP amd64 i386
Други резултати
Пакет tor-arm
- etiona (comm):
transitional package
2.0.4-3: all
Пакет tor-geoipdb
- etiona (net):
GeoIP database for Tor all
Пакет tora
- etiona (misc):
graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators
2.1.3-4: amd64 i386
Пакет tora-dbg
- etiona (debug):
graphical toolkit for databaseis - debugging symbols
2.1.3-4: amd64 i386
Пакет torbrowser-launcher
- etiona (python):
helps download and run the Tor Browser Bundle
0.2.9-2: amd64 i386
Пакет torch-trepl
- etiona (interpreters):
REPL Wrapper Package for Torch Framework
0~20170619-ge5e17e3-6: all
Пакет torchat
- etiona (web):
decentralized instant messenger built on top of the Tor Network all
Пакет torcs
- etiona (games):
3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL
1.3.7+dfsg-4: amd64 i386
Пакет torcs-data
- etiona (games):
data files for TORCS
1.3.7+dfsg-4: all
Пакет torrus-common
- etiona (net):
Universal front-end for Round-Robin Databases (common files)
2.09-1: all
Пакет torsocks
- etiona (net):
use SOCKS-friendly applications with Tor
2.2.0-2: amd64 i386
Пакет tortoisehg
- etiona (devel):
Graphical tool for working with Mercurial
4.5.2-0ubuntu1: all
Пакет tortoisehg-caja
- etiona (vcs):
Graphical tool for working with Mercurial (Caja extension)
4.5.2-0ubuntu1: all
Пакет tortoisehg-nautilus
- etiona (vcs):
Graphical tool for working with Mercurial (Nautilus extension)
4.5.2-0ubuntu1: all
Пакет torus-trooper
- etiona (games):
speeding ship sailing through barrage
0.22.dfsg1-11: amd64 i386
Пакет torus-trooper-data
- etiona (games):
speeding ship sailing through barrage - game data
0.22.dfsg1-11: all