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Källkodspaket: votca-csg (2021.2-1)

Länkar för votca-csg



Original Maintainers:

  • Debichem Team (E-postarkiv)
  • Christoph Junghans
  • Michael Banck
  • Nicholas Breen

Externa resurser:

Följande binärpaket byggs från detta källkodspaket:
VOTCA's coarse-graining library, development kit
VOTCA's coarse-graining library
VOTCA's coarse-graining engine
VOTCA's coarse-graining scripts
VOTCA's coarse-graining tutorials

Andra paket besläktade med votca-csg

  • bygg-beroende
  • arkitekturoberoende bygg-beroende
  • adep: bash-completion
    programmable completion for the bash shell
  • adep: cmake
    cross-platform, open-source make system
  • adep: debhelper-compat (= 13)
    Paketet inte tillgängligt
  • adep: dh-python
    Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
  • adep: libboost-filesystem-dev
    filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)
  • adep: libboost-program-options-dev
    program options library for C++ (default version)
  • adep: libboost-regex-dev
    regular expression library for C++ (default version)
  • adep: libboost-system-dev
    Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
  • adep: libeigen3-dev
    lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra
  • adep: libgromacs-dev (>= 2021)
    GROMACS molecular dynamics sim, development kit
  • adep: libgsl-dev
    GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- development package
  • adep: libsqlite3-dev
    SQLite 3 development files
  • adep: libvotca-tools-dev (>= 2021.2)
    VOTCA's tools library, development kit
  • adep: libvotca-tools-dev (<= 2021.3~)
    VOTCA's tools library, development kit
  • adep: pkg-config
    manage compile and link flags for libraries
  • adep: python3
    interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version)
  • adep: txt2tags
    conversion tool to generating several file formats

Download votca-csg

FilStorlek (i kbyte)MD5-kontrollsumma
votca-csg_2021.2-1.dsc 2,8 kbyte 6c03ac5c34f3c31d43170dd0de624d45
votca-csg_2021.2.orig-tutorials.tar.gz 5.802,8 kbyte 6d3965802042ee2138f10ab90a81cf1b
votca-csg_2021.2.orig.tar.gz 4.199,9 kbyte a4bef6ccbf5aa8ee3d8edffc21e0ec88
votca-csg_2021.2-1.debian.tar.xz 5,1 kbyte c8daca52a156b9112c17444dad5f8f0a
Debians paketkällkodsarkiv- (VCS: Git)
Debians paketkällkodsarkiv (blädderbart)